Linda and me in Sipadan ... Turtles and sharks galore !!! (Borneo, Malaysia, July 2009)
Linda and me in Sipadan ... Turtles and sharks galore !!! (Borneo, Malaysia, July 2009.)

The diving buddy lottery

  Between Two Journeys

Dear English-speaking readers, this page is an automatic translation of an article originally written in French. I apologise for any strange sentences and funny mistakes that may have resulted. If you read French, click on the French flag below to access the original, correct text: 

That's it, he's here! The n ° 2 of Magazinefor free download. All beautiful, all color, all multimedia, with real bubbles inside. On page 38, my small contribution: a humorous bill entitled Beware of the ball! 

Diving with strangers when traveling solo

But this little text could have been called The diving buddy lottery. Or The quest for the ideal buddy… Or The art of diving at the end of the world with strangers when you're a diver who travels solo... Yes, yes. It's heavy, it's real. 😂

You can tell it's a stressful experience...

Christian, my Finnish buddy, and me, in training Rescue Diver. (Koh Lipe, Thailand, March 2009.)
Christian, my Finnish buddy, and me, in training Rescue Diver. (Koh Lipe, Thailand, March 2009.)
Linda and me in Sipadan ... Turtles and sharks galore !!! (Borneo, Malaysia, July 2009)
Linda and me in Sipadan ... Turtles and sharks galore !!! (Borneo, Malaysia, July 2009.)
Back to the surface, with Adrian, my instructor. (Koh Lipe, Thailand, March 2009.)
Back to the surface, with Adrian, my instructor. (Koh Lipe, Thailand, March 2009.)
With my friends Thomas and Lise, in Anilao, and our Filipino guide Herbert, who became my partner. (Philippines, March 2017)
With my friends Thomas and Lise, in Anilao, and our Filipino guide Herbert, who became my partner. (Philippines, March 2017) Magazine: download it! the magWell, that's not all. I've barely had time today to skim through this new issue, packed with images, reports and moving stories...

I think I saw some stunning images of sharks and mantas. I can't wait!

A big bravo to the editorial team, who sweated blood and pixels to bring this new version to life. Impressive work.

I copy-paste, below, my prose for Magazine and I'm going to dive right back in... To download it (it's free), click on the links below:

→ the n ° 2
→ all magazines to download

Beware of the ball! The quest for the ideal buddy ...

Station at the ball: my prose, on page 38!The annoying thing with divers is that they go in pairs. Yes.

When we solo trip, or in insubmersible company, it is necessary to be resigned to it: being not two to bubble, one is registered automatically in the lottery of the pairs! And me, every time I go back to Asia, my favorite diving destination, I have to start my quest for the ideal buddy again.

Always, this little fear reappears, when I put my bag at the end of the world ... Who will they give me as a pair? Will I escape the curse of the ball?

There is the beginner ball: high-speed air thrower, sand mixer and coral breaker, I have the opportunity to curse him a thousand times when he plays fish scarecrows. But the confirmed cannonball has nothing to envy: a furious kicking only want to see the "fat", who toothy measure the adorers of the "little" and loves to be the one who has the biggest ... depth on his computer !

Two pairs to flee. If possible. In diving centers as in cruise ships, the staff takes care in principle to match compatible divers of the same level. Still, it is necessary to have something to compose a consistent team among the rare solitaires entered on the board ...

One day, off Koh LantaIn Thailand, I found myself flanked by a very kind, but too zealous binomette. She did not want to let go of a palm! I tried to dig the distance, to signal to him to move a little, in vain. She kept sticking to me, to hit me, to scare the critters I wanted to flash.

Ah yes ! Small precision of importance: I have the annoying habit of taking pictures under water. So, my ideal buddy is him (or her) also a photographer, preferably. So adept of slowness. Attentive and accomplice. Passionate and enthusiastic. And, of course, he has humor.

A rare pearl ? Not so sure.

The ideal buddy exists. I met him. Several times. There are traveling pairs that I will never forget. As Sabrina, and Linda, met in Sipadan, Malaysia, three years apart. Two experienced divers, sensitive, synchronous with my own rhythm and my affinities. Wonder shared in front of the schools of barracudas, sharks and turtles ...

And To fart, a solid, funny and caring guy, who has webbed by my side in the waters of Nusa Penida, off Bali. It is a bit to him that I must have been able to admire the lunar swimming of the fabulous mola-molas, in a stream to decorate the nudibranchs. Memorable!

Finally, in case of odd number, I become the binomette of the guide of palanquée. Top. Especially if said guide is a local guy, who knows the sites like his pocket.

I want to greet here the latest ones: Aris and Witjak, two Indonesian divers who watched over my bubbles, Pulau Wehin North Sumatra, in March. But this is another story…


  Between Two Journeys

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  1. J’ai lu ton article hier, j’ai adoré. Je suis souvent dans le même cas que toi, j’ai fait de belles rencontres mais aussi de moins belles, effectivement, c’est la loterie.

  2. LOOOL!!! J’ai adoré ton article, Corinne, surtout que je me suis bien reconnue dans le boulet débutant qui colle un peu trop son coéquipier (bah oui, les poissons ça fait peur) et qui fait des tranchées dans le sable (grâce à moi, le fond de chamangieu est passé de 15 à 18 m 🙂 ) heureusement que j’ai l’œil pour les petites bestioles que j’adore dénicher, ce qui peut contre balancer le manque d’expérience… 😛

  3. Bravo pour ton article, j’adore ton humour et tu m’as bien fait rire…
    Alas, even being in pairs, unless diving only 2 or with a guide ... there is the rest of the team ...
    And here we find the XXXXXL (which fortunately is sometimes invited to go up with another consumer of its size) ...
    We find the speedy webbed leaves to exceed the guides too slow for their musculature ...
    On rencontre aussi hélas les égoïstes qui vont squatter, seuls au monde, la curiosité macro que personne d’autre ne verra car ils prennent bien soin de balancer un coup de palme bien positionné sur ce qu’il y avait à voir en se retournant… Outre les palmeurs maladroits, il y a aussi les adaptes du brouillard, qui palment vigoureusement de haut en bas sur on fond sablonneux…
    Binom and squad, same balls and even lottery!
    Trop dure la vie de plongeur! 😡

  4. @Denis: Thank you for that little word. I am not the only one to live this lottery !!! It reassures ...

    @Minimouss: Bah, on est tous le boulet de quelqu’un, moi la première, avec mon matos photo, ma manie de lambiner et de m’extasier sur les petites bêtes.

    @Manta: Tu me fais bien rire aussi avec ton commentaire. On pourrait dresser toute une typologie tragi-comique des palanquées. Et on intitulerait ça “La retour de la malédiction de la palanquée infernale”…

  5. Mon homme est mon binome mais parfois j’en voudrais bien un autre. Descente difficile à cause ses oreilles sensibles alors que mon ORL n’a jamais vu des oreilles comme les miennes, je suis une vraie poisson !
    Mon homme ayant moins d’expérience il gère encore mal sa flottabilité et m’envoie du sable, facheux pour mes clichés macros !
    Si un jour nous avions l’occasion de plonger ensemble je crois qu’on formerait une belle équipe miss Corinne. Les photographes forment une bande à part parmi les plongeurs, moi je suis restée 30 min à observer la famille des mandarins à la tombée de la nuit, c’était juste avec mon dive master malaisien très patient et émerveillé comme moi devant les merveilles de la nature.

  6. @LiseMet: Hé, hé, oui, très bonne idée ! Tu laisses monsieur à la maison, et on part ensemble toi et moi flashouiller des bêtes sous l’eau. Je suis pour la paix des ménages, moi…
