
Excursion to Sangalaki

  Borneo [Malaysia and Indonesia] - July 2009

Dear English-speaking readers, this page is an automatic translation of an article originally written in French. I apologise for any strange sentences and funny mistakes that may have resulted. If you read French, click on the French flag below to access the original, correct text: 

A new little film for lovers of manta rays ... I finally got down to editing my videos, brought back from Sangalaki ! This small Indonesian island, located off Borneo, is part of the Derawan archipelago, where I stayed for ten days last July.

Video: Sangalaki's manta rays

Mantas are easy to observe and almost guaranteed in Sangalaki! Both on the surface with fins-mask-tuba, and underwater while diving.

They are the big attraction of the area, with the turtles of Derawan and non-irritating jellyfish from Kakaban.

Excursion to Sangalaki

Well, obviously, Sangalaki is a bit the end of the world. To have the chance to observe these marvels, it is better to have some time in front of you...

The easiest way is to stay on the neighboring island of Derawan, as I did (there are many guesthouses to cheap in the village), and to organize a day trip to Sangalaki, by renting a boat.

Sangalaki seen from the sea. (Borneo, Indonesia)

Map of Sangalaki (Borneo, Indonesia, July 2009).

There used to be a very chic and expensive resort on Sangalaki itself, but it is closed and abandoned.

On the island, there are only monitor lizards hiding in the bushes, and a few guards, who take your name in their register when you come ashore for a picnic, between two dives. They live in a building at the back of the resort, and take care of a small WWF conservation center for turtles, as in Derawan.

Sangalaki maps

To locate Sangalaki, some maps below. Starting with a Google Map for a global view:

Display Sangalaki on a larger map

The location of islands and dive sites, found on LombokMarine.com (attention, on this site, the information concerning the accommodations are not up to date, in particular on the resort of Sangalaki, now closed):

The archipelago of Derawan. Source: Lombokmarine.com

And this one, very precise, for the different islands of the archipelago, borrowed from the excellent site Starfish.ch :

The archipelago of Derawan. Source: Starfish.ch

Sangalaki on Small Bubbles of Elsewhere

Finally, on this blog, the different posts where I already talked about Sangalaki :
Mantas and nudibranchs
The mantas rays of Sangalaki
Dreams of mantas


  Borneo [Malaysia and Indonesia] - July 2009
